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You need a Hayya Card to watch World Cup in Qatar. Application opens from 22 March, 2022.

diggo     2022-03-11

What is Hayya Card?
Hayya is a smart technology identification card that ensures you get the ultimate fan experience in Qatar.

All Qataris, residents and visitors attending FIFA World Cup 2022™ matches will need to obtain Hayya Card, which will be available in both a digital and physical format.

The Hayya Card (Fan ID) is operated and controlled by the government of the State of Qatar. FIFA is not responsible for the application process, issuance and/or use of the Hayya Card.

Benefits for you

Entry to Qatar
Our Hayya Card is your pre-approved entry permit to the country, ensuring you have a smooth journey to the FIFA World Cup™.

Entry to Stadium
You will need your Hayya Card to enter Qatar's eight spectacular stadiums – and enjoy the ultimate FIFA World Cup™ fan experience.

Free Transportation
Your Hay'ya Card gives you access to public transport on matchdays, including bus, metro and tram.

How to get Your Hayya Card
Get your Hayya Card in just two steps.

Before 8 February
Apply for your match tickets at FIFA.com/tickets
You will be entering the Random Selection Draw for tickets.

From 22 March
Apply for your Hayya Card
You will need a match application ticket number.

By when do I need to sign up for Hayya Card?

You'll need a Hayya Card to attend FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ matches. Sign up for the Hayya Card immediately after your ticket purchases are confirmed to avoid delays – from 22 March 2022 onwards.

Do I need Hayya Card to purchase tickets and/or accommodation?
No, the Hayya Card is not a prerequisite for the reservation of accommodation and is not required for purchasing a ticket at FIFA.com/tickets

What is Ehteraz?
EHTERAZ is the official COVID-19 contact tracing application for the State of Qatar and is owned, operated, and approved by the Ministry of Public Health. Please see the EHTERAZ and COVID-19 section on Qatar Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) website for further information.

Will Ehteraz be integrated with Hayya Card?
Yes. There will be no need to use the Ehteraz app to show the Ehteraz status.

Will Hayya Card serve as my visa to come to Qatar?
Spectators can use Hayya to enter the State of Qatar multiple times provided they carry valid passport documents recognised by the State of Qatar.

When and how will I receive my Hayya Card?
Hayya will be available immediately after an approval of your application as a digital card on the Hayya app or as a physical card that can be collected later.

Will I need a smartphone to access Digital Hayya Card?
Yes a smartphone is required to access the digital version of Hayya.

Will the visa process be different if I enter the country by road or sea?
Qatar’s visa process will remain the same for all the ports of entry into the country throughout the tournament.

Am I allowed to make multiple entries into the country on my tourist visa/Hayya Card during the tournament?
Yes, an approved Hayya Card application will serve as a multiple-entry visa for all match ticket holders entering the State of Qatar.  


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